Brothers and Sisters, today May 1st is International Labor Day around the World. Rallies and protests will be taking place across the country and in every community including all Countries. Below is the event planned for the Capital District. We have been asked to speak at this event and discuss the past events at our facility and to discuss mobilization needed for our next Contract coming up. Capt. Jack and many others will be in Albany protesting together in solidarity .If you can make some time please stop by and meet the many that are in the fight for workers rights later today. Thanks........
Join Capt Jack Today-- 
Occupy MAY DAY!
5.1 | Tuesday | Lafayette & Academy Parks, Albany | noon- midnight
Spring has arrived! Join occupiers, community members, and labor leaders TOMORROW for a celebration of past achievements and a spring forward towards future initiatives. May Day is a critical opportunity to re-energize the People's movement, engage with each other, and to imagine alternatives to the current system.
We need your support! The most important way you can show it is by joining us in the streets and parks on May Day!
We've been busily working away this winter and are more than ready for the grand spring re-emergence. We've coordinated with a number of different community organizations to pull together a strong showing at the now infamous Lafayette Park on May Day and if you are still mad about the state of the country (and world) we live in we encourage you to come on down and be a part of the electric energy that is amassing around this key, not-to-be-missed event.
Schedule of Events:
11AM Organizers begin to gather in Academy Park.
NOON - 1PM March through Albany from Academy Park.
1:30PM - 5PM Free University in Academy & Lafayette Parks
1:30PM - 2PM May Day: Then and Now
The opening plenary will place May Day in its historical context beginning with the origins and history of May Day presented by members of the Solidarity Committee of the Capital District and close with how the Occupy Movement is a natural complement to the true labor day and a modern affirmation of the class struggle. *Each session contains 4 concurrent modules.
2PM - 2:30PM Session 1:
A). Neoliberalism and Corporate Globalization
B). Money in Politics
C). War: The Enemy of the Poor
D). Know Your Rights!
2:40PM - 3:10PM Session 2:
A). Contemporary Inequality Amongst Working Women
B). Participatory Economics
C). Student Debt Crisis and Student Action
D). Shift to Sustainable Living
3:20PM - 3:50PM Session 3:
A). Anarchism: What It Is, What It Looks Like
B). Exploitation of Latino Workers
C). Housing Strike: Our History and Our Future
D). Healthcare is a Human Right
4PM-5PM The Battle Between Labor and Capital The closing plenary focuses on the fight for economic justice and how organized labor is struggling to maintain its very existence against plutocratic capitalism. It will begin with a commemoration of the 100 year Anniversary of the "Bread and Roses" strike followed by a series of short presentations highlighting the plight of many of our neighbors as the fight continues. We will hear from many working people: Nurses, Educators, Industrial, State and Service Workers who are battling the system of corporate domination to maintain their dignity and a decent standard of living.
5PM - 6:45PM Rally for Social Justice
6:45PM - Midnight+ Live Music in Academy & Lafayette Parks
6:45 - 7:10 - The Solidarity Singers
7:20 - 7:50 - Tom McWatters & The Philo Beddoe Band
8:00- 8:30 - Folding Sky
8:45- 9:30 - Broadcast Live
Unplugged Open Mic til Midnight Live music & food!
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