Dear John,

Today is an unhappy anniversary.
It's been one year since the Supreme Court's disastrous Citizens United decision, which allowed corporations to spend unrestricted dollars -- and have unrestricted influence -- on our nation's political process.
We've seen the consequences. The 2010 mid-term election was the most expensive in U.S. history, and the 2012 election will likely shatter that record as more and more corporate money corrupts our democracy.
Elections in the U.S. should not go to the highest bidder. Tell everyone you know that you won't allow secret super PAC spending overpower our democratic process.
Post a Facebook status or Twitter update declaring that corporations are not people and should not have unrestricted influence on our elections.
Political spending limits were put in place for a reason: to prevent those with the most money from exacting the most influence. From 1999-2010, without these restrictions, corporations spent $32 billion on campaign contributions and lobbying expenditures while unions spent $872 million.
We can't afford to celebrate the Citizens United anniversary again. We are working with our allies to stand together and fight back. Take the first step: stand up to say you're a person and corporations are not:
In Unity,

Beth Allen
Online Mobilization Coordinator