You can not evict an idea whose time has come??
Mayor Jennings choose to evict the peaceful protesters at the Occupy Albany encampment via court order. However he can not evict a movement. The Occupation in Albany has united many who feel that our government is being controlled by corporate money and failing to listen to the people. Those inspired activists have stood up to fight for the rights of the 99% including pressuring the Governor and NYS Legislature to pass a more progressive tax structure. ??
The Capital District Area Labor Federation and our affiliates have held fundraisers, participated in rallies and stood in solidarity with Occupy Albany. Mayor Jennings and his attempt to silence Occupy will not deter Labor from continuing our support. Our members are part of the 99% and face attacks everyday by corporations and politicians determined to destroy the middle and working class.
Join the Solidarity Rally this Saturday-- 1-7-12, at 3 PM in Albany
Please Try to Stop By and Support Them!
Labor Unions from All Over the Capital District Coming!