Please read below: Workshop for Union members that want to learn about Single Payer Healthcare. Anyone interested in attending this call cell 935-3445 or e-mail me . Local will cover registration cost if anyone want to learn and attend with me. Need to learn about this.......
Hi Dominic:
I wanted to make you aware of a workshop Rose Roach from the Ca. School Employees Association (CSEA), will be giving at the conference on Saturday. The title is: "Talking to union members about single payer healthcare." She will show how it's possible to win even the most conservative members to support an issue they normally would oppose for philosophical reasons. I think these lessons can be applied to most issues our members are either unfamiliar with or resistant to for various reasons.
I hope some members of your local will be able to join you this Saturday for the conference. I know Saturdays are tough - yard work, shopping, clean-up, etc. but this is a rare opportunity to learn from a union that puts grassroots activism at the core of its efforts.
Thanks for your support.
Alice Brody
Outreach Coordinator
Single Payer NY
Expanded and Improved Medicare for All - Round 2:
Where Do We Go From Here?
Join with activists and supporters from across New York's Capital Region and the Hudson Valley to learn more about the state of health care reform and develop strategies to strengthen the grassroots movement for Expanded and Improved Medicare for All.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
(Registration/coffee: 9:00 -9:30 am)
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany
405 Washington Ave
Albany, NY Map
Morning Session: Speakers

- Steffie Woolhandler, MD, MPH. Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Co-founder, PNHP
- Terry O'Neill, President of the National Organization for Women (NOW)
- Rose Roach, Field Director, California School Employees Association (CSEA), AFL-CIO
Afternoon Session: Panel Discussion on Coalition Building
- Hon. Wanda Willingham, Albany County Legislature
- Rev. Bebb Wheeler Stone, PhD, Presbyterian Church USA
- Shaun Flynn, Director, Government Affairs, NYS Nurses Association.
- Wayne Bayer, EnCon, Public Employees Federation, AFL-CIO
- Pricilla Bassett, Vice President, StateWide Senior Action Council
Workshops Strategy Sessions
Questions: or 518-729-3068
$10 - 20 contribution requested to cover lunch and costs.
Endorsed by: National Organization for Women - New York State; NYS Nurses Association; Capital District Alliance for Universal Healthcare; SPNY - Saratoga; SPNY - New Paltz; Troy Central Labor Council; The Solidarity Committee; Hunger Action Network-NYS; Social Responsibilities Council, FUUSA; Hudson Valley Progressive Coalition
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